Queue Jobs for Simulation in AEDT

The RSM environment does not support for queuing simulations. All the jobs will be run simultaneously once we select the Analyze option. This document describes how to queue the jobs or how to run the jobs sequentially


Queue jobs in the below scenarios: 

  • Multiple designs in a single project
  • Multiple projects


Multiple designs in a single project

If the main goal is to simulate all the designs present in the same project one-by-one as shown below:

Then, the easiest way is to right-click on Project and select Analyze All from the
Project Manager window.

Multiple projects

To queue simulations of multiple projects as shown below:

From the Electronics Desktop window, select the menu item Tools > Options > HPC and Analysis Options…

In the HPC and Analysis Options window:

  • Click the Options tab.
  • Select the option Queue all simulations
  • Click the OK button

Now, right-click on each Project and select Analyze All from the Project Manager