How to Fix Missing Axis Labels on ERP Waterfall Diagrams

The Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) is used to analyze the acoustic signature of a system. We can fix missing ERP diagram labels by configuring certain environment variables.

The Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) is used to analyze the acoustic signature of the system. The ERP results estimate the radiated structure sound power from vibrating structural surface (it is only scoped to surfaces). The main workflow is based on ANSYS/Maxwell and Harmonic response. The waterfall diagram represents RPMs vs frequencies. RPMs are defined in ANSYS/Maxwell, while frequencies are the output of the harmonic response analysis. The ERP waterfall diagram can be saved as XML file to be used in ANSYS/Optis, where the sound of the ERP can be created.

In certain cases, ERP diagrams will be created without axis labels, as seen below:

To fix this, you need to set environmental variables.

If you're using version 2024R1 or R2, try to set the environment variable on their machine "ANS_OGL_3D_GRAPH_TEXT" to "1" to see text on the waterfall chart (and a handful of other problematic charts).

The changes are written to the registry, and are usually effective immediately.
However, after a change to user environment variables is made, any open software programs should be restarted to force them to read the new registry values.

After restarting Workbench, you will now see axis labels on the ERP Waterfall Diagram.

If you're using  2023R2 and previous releases, please set "ANS_OGL_WATERFALL_GRAPH" to "1".
This env var only helps the NVH waterfall chart. The general ANS_OGL_3D_GRAPH_TEXT environmental variable does not exist for those versions.