How to export S-parameters touchstone file using ANSYS Circuit Tool?

Users can export the results of a linear network analysis to a Touchstone file for use by other analyses.

You can export the frequency-dependent network data that results from a linear network analysis to a Touchstone file for use by other analyses. Results can be exported from a design created with either the Schematic Editor or the Netlist Editor.

To export S-paramters file, in a schematic design, expand the icon for the design. Expand the Analysis entry, right-click the LNA solution setup and select Export Solutio, as seen below;

In the Matrix Data window select the Export tab and then click on Export Matrix Data.

Select a directory for the export in the Save in: field. Select a file name for the exported data in the File name: field. Select Touchstone (*.sNp)  file type on the Save as type: list, , then click Save.