How to display the Fluent cells with low orthogonal quality?

To display cells with low orthogonal quality, there are two different approaches: 1) creation of cell registers and 2) Use Display->Grid. Details are covered below.

To display cells with low orthogonal quality in Fluent, you can create cell registers. This can be done by going to the Domain Tab, under the Adapt group, and selecting Refine / Coarsen. In the Cell Registers, select New -> Field Variable, change Type to 'Cells in Range' and pick 'Field Value of' as 'Mesh' and 'Orthogonal Quality'. Input the desired Iso-Min and Iso-Max range values to visualize and select Save / Display to inspect [1]. URL: [1]

Another method is to go to Display > Grid to open the Display Grid panel, select the Cells (Faces) tab, select Quality from Options, enter the range of quality you want displayed in Cell (Face) Quality range, select an object from Cell (Face) Zones, and then hit Display [5]. URL: [5]

It's important to note that low Orthogonal Quality or high skewness values are not recommended. Generally, try to keep minimum orthogonal quality > 0.1, or maximum skewness < 0.95 [2]. URL: [2]

If you find cells with low quality values, it's recommended to revisit the Meshing step for improvements. For simple geometries, a structured mesh can be generated using Multizone or Sweep mesh. This allows for stretched meshes in the streamwise direction, which can improve the quality [4]. URL: [4]

[1] Title: "Visualizing and Improving Quality of Specific Cells in Fluent Mesh", URL:
[2] Title: "ANSYS Fluent - Solver | Tips & Tricks Webinar (Presented on 09/25/2018)", URL:
[4] Title: "Improving Orthogonal Quality Values in Ansys Fluent", URL:
[5] Title: "How to Display Poor Quality Cells or Faces", URL: