How to create non-conformal periodic interfaces in Fluent 2024 R1?

use TUI commands rather than the GUI to generate the interface

Many times, a conformal interface between the two periodic (cyclic) faces of a sector CFD model may not be generated. In such cases a non-conformal interface (i.e. non 1-1 node connection) has to be used. Fluent is able to create non-conformal interfaces on overlapping faces using GUI (Mesh interface). However, in the case of planar or non-planar periodic interfaces, this option may not work well. In such cases user needs to use the console and TUI commands to create the periodic interface.

The workflow is as follows:

1. If an interface is already created for the periodic faces by GUI, delete the interface.

2. If the BC for the periodic faces are not of type interface, change them to interface.

3. In the console window, type /me/mz/cpi

4. to select auto, hit enter

5. give a name to the new interface (ex. intf1), hit enter

6. type the first periodic surface name (ex. gside1 ) hit enter

7. type the second periodic surface name (ex. gside2 ) hit enter

8. to select rotational periodicity, hit enter 

9.  enter axis of origin (ex.  x , y and z position)

10.  enter axis of direction (ex.  x , y and z direction)

11. select yes for auto defect offset

12. select yes to create the periodic zone

13. confirm that a new periodic zone is created


An example is below