How to average results over a certain number of iterations in CFX?

Monitor averaged parameter values over many iterations

Please follow the steps below:

1. Open CFX-Pre (and read in existing model file)

2. Select Edit>Options, which bring a new panel

3. Enable beta features by applying the steps below:


4. Under Outline tab on the left side,  Simulation>Solver>Output Control will bring up a new panel

5. Select Monitor tab in this panel, check Monitor objects

6. Define a new "Monitor Points and Expressions" and name it

7. For option select Expression

8. Define expression (for example, massFlowAve(Temperature)@Outlet)

9. Select Coordinate Frame 

10. Check Monitor Statistics

11. Select Moving Internal as Interval Option

12. Select Arithmetic Average as Statistics List

13. Check Allow Running Statistics

14. For Interval Definition Option select Iterations

15. Enter number of iterations (to average over)

16. Hit Apply