Can you model evaporation in Fluent?

Yes, you can model evaporation in Fluent. There are several approaches to do this. For instance, when modeling the evaporation and combustion of a methane droplet within flowing air in a 2D space, you can use the VOF Model in ANSYS Fluent. This process likely involves a mass transfer from liquid methane to gaseous methane in the air/methane mixture, followed by combustion [1]. URL: [1]

You can also simulate the evaporation of a micron-sized saline droplet at room temperature using Fluent by defining multicomponent droplets [2]. URL: [2]

Moreover, the process of moisture removal from a solid surface can be modeled in Fluent using various approaches. The Eulerian Wall Film, in particular, might be a viable option to simulate the evaporation of a surface layer of liquid [3]. URL: [3]

Lastly, when simulating R134a flow in a multiphase ejector using the Lee model for evaporation, it is crucial to set the phase change from liquid (phase-2) to vapor (phase-1), as outlined in the Fluent documentation [4]. URL: [4]

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Ansys Fluent User's Guide and Evaporation-Condensation Binary Mass Transfer Mechanism [5]. URL: [5]

[1] Title: "Understanding Source Terms for Evaporation and Combustion in ANSYS Fluent", URL:
[2] Title: "Issues with Simulating Evaporation of Micron-Sized Saline Droplet in Fluent", URL:
[3] Title: "Approaches for Modeling Moisture Removal from a Solid Surface in Fluent", URL:
[4] Title: "Resolving Negative Latent Heat Error in R134a Flow Simulation with Evaporation-Condensation Model in Fluent", URL:
[5] Title: "16.7. Additional Evaporation-Condensation Models", URL: